Bahr Art- Frederick W. "Bahr" Malone Jr. | home
Before you enter the gallery, there's a few things I'd like to mention ( I hate people complaining :) :
This image gallery is a record and collection of the work created by F.W. Malone Jr. The images are either hand drawn, or computer generatedusing a varity of programs. (Adobe, Paintshop, Corel). Please see the copyright information.
The gallery format was created using zzZap's from ABC-TV.net. The template was modified for my liking :)
Although I do work in computer generated art and some anime styling, there are no hentai images found or allowed on this site.
There are no porn or explicit adult images in the gallery. All images are done from an artist viewpoit only. But regardless, this is not kid art. There may be instantances of breast, or other draw images being shown. Nothing more then nation geographic though. :)
By entering this site, you agree you are over the age of 18, and are willing to view the artwork contained. If you are not over 18, I apoligize, but I can not take responsibilty for you, your actions, or any form of visual representions you view over the net. Although my site is not an adult site, I still do not desire the responsibilty or care of you in this web area. With the hundreds of web galleries all over the net, I'm sure you could find something much better suited for your style. :) (See www.yahoo.com, www.altavista.com, www.lycos.com, or download Copernic for hundreds of search engines reasults at once :)
If, by any chance, you have a problem with any image in the gallery (Be it content, copyright, or a broken link), please contact me via email and we'll discuss a solution, or the problem will be fixed within 2 weeks. Don't worry, I don't bite :)